Saturday, June 21, 2014

International Family Picnic

Yesterday was our International Family Picnic, where students and their families dressed in traditional costumes, prepared traditional food to share, and presented some traditional dances.  We also played games and enjoyed a 'picnic' inside.  (photos below taken by Jeff Miller, except for the shot with my students)

There was traditional dancing....

And everyone dancing....

We played games like this relay race where you had to hold hands and pass along the hula-hoop

Competition is fierce!

Then each country (there were 20, I think) prepared national dishes to share.  So there were 20 'booths' like this one:

So we partook!

Some people did henna:

I got to hang out with some of the students in my class:

Good times!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

First Week / Names

Just a quick note to say thanks for your prayers for the first days of classes.  My class is off and running and going well.  I'm learning and adapting as we go, and I'm excited for how it's going and the potential for this class.  Very thankful to be teaching!

Also, I'm surviving and thriving on the roads of Manila!  Thanks for praying for my safety.  I now can drive somewhere and usually get out of the car without the stress getting so high my shoulders are tight!

Filipinos have a lot of creativity and variety when it comes to names.  There is the Roman Catholic influence - Mary's and John Paul's.  But then there is the - we are a fun people influence.  My two favorite:   Aboy - as in the doctor holds up the baby and pronounces 'it's a boy.'  What should we call him?  Aboy.   The secretary at my apartment complex is Sunshine - just call me Shine.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

New Apartment

I'm going to sublet a condo for a year from a woman who is moving to Canada for a project.  It's close to school, and she's giving me a deal.   I'd take pictures and show you, but this is going to be a busy week as I'm moving on Tuesday and start classes later in the week, so here are the pictures she took of the place.  It's got a bedroom, small office, bath, small kitchen and combined living room/dining room.  It's 500 square feet of well-planned and well-decorated living space.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Driving / Sick

I've entered that crazy place in the Philippines:  Manila roadways.  So far I've gotten lost twice and may have had several close encounters, but it's too early for me to tell.  They might be normal.

So in the interest of self-preservation, I've been mining my friends for driving advice.  Several gems emerge:

     - There are no rules, only suggestions
     - There is no right of way, only right of space - whoever gets there first has right of way
     - You have to drive simultaneously more defensively and more offensively:  always watching for the other guy, and sticking your nose out where you never would back home.

        Pray for my safety and adjustment to driving here!

Also, I've got pink eye and a sore throat.  Please pray for good health as faculty meetings start tomorrow and classes next week.  Thanks!

Everyone Likes to Play

Recently I've been struck by how many games we play here.  Monday and Wednesday is basketball.  Tuesday is soccer outside and Thursday is volleyball inside.  Friday night is badminton and Saturday morning is more basketball.  If I'm around I play MW basketball and plan to play a little volleyball, too.

There are also lots of game nights.  Everyone here likes to play.

Soccer Outside

Even the kiddoes on campus love playing basketball

Friday, May 2, 2014

Settling In

I'm settling in slow but sure and am grateful for two of my favorite aspects of this place....

Hospitality:  About every day I have a dinner invite to catch up with folks.  It's been great to re-connect with people.  One friend in particular, who has been on a long journey, seeking political asylum in several countries, has now come back, and it's been great to catch up with him.

The "Evening-Mill-About":   not sure what to call this, but every evening when it cools down people come out into the courtyard and mill about.  People chat, the kids run around playing games.  I can take my pick.  I can stop and chat with the adults.  Sometimes I can join in on a game of tag, keep away, basketball, or soccer.  Good times.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

New Apartment

It's pretty quiet around here, because today is International Labor Day.  However, I had lunch at a friend's place (more on this later), unpacked, and caught up on sleep.  It's been nice to have a slow day.   Here is my new apartment.

View from the front door into the courtyard. If you look close, you can see the little huts that dot the courtyard for small group meetings.

They were expecting me.

View of the apartment.  Two bedrooms - I'll use one for a home office - and a bath.

They gave me fruit.  Only one mango left.

Here's the kitchen.

A nice place.  I'm settled and looking forward to people coming tomorrow.